The Blind Watchmaker


Richard Dawkins

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Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Reviewing Richard Dawkins' first book, The Selfish Gene, the Nobel Prize-winning biologist Sir Peter Medawar wrote: 'Richard Dawkins, one of the most brilliant of the rising generation of biologists. ..'.

Of his second book, The Extended Phenotype, the distinguished evolutionist J. R. G. Turner wrote: 'This is a contender for the title of the most important contribution to evolutionary theory in the 1980s. .."

Now, of The Blind Watchmaker, the eminent philosopher of science, Professor Michael Ruse writes: .it succeeds quite brilliantly. Most particularly, again and again, it brings home the nature and force of the central evolutionary mechanism of natural selection in a way that I have never seen or felt previously. The closest analogy can think of is Galileo's Dialogues which made reasonable the Copernican Revolution, and I hope I will not be thought to be pushing things to an embarrassing point if say that Dawkins' book can be compared to Galileo's, not only in type but in standard'.

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