Body and Mature Behavior
Moshe Feldenkrais
A study of anxiety, sex, gravitation and learning.
Moshe Feldenkrais began developing, over fifty years ago, a movement-based learning process now know as the Feldenkrais Method. Body & Mature Behavior is the groundbreaking work that lays the foundation for this renowned system of human development.
Moshe Feldenkrais
A study of anxiety, sex, gravitation and learning.
Moshe Feldenkrais began developing, over fifty years ago, a movement-based learning process now know as the Feldenkrais Method. Body & Mature Behavior is the groundbreaking work that lays the foundation for this renowned system of human development.
Moshe Feldenkrais
A study of anxiety, sex, gravitation and learning.
Moshe Feldenkrais began developing, over fifty years ago, a movement-based learning process now know as the Feldenkrais Method. Body & Mature Behavior is the groundbreaking work that lays the foundation for this renowned system of human development.